GAME WIKI Quinfall Basics Guide
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Quinfall 22.12.23 - 02:41
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Quinfall's Marketplace is a central trading platform that allows players to sell their own items and find items they are looking for from other players.


Item Sale and Listing


Players can add their items to the Marketplace and put them up for sale. By listing items, they can attract the interest of other players.


Fixed Tax System


There is a predetermined fixed tax for using the Marketplace. Players pay this tax for each transaction they make.


Item Search and Filtering


Players can search for and filter the items they desire on the Marketplace. This enables them to easily find the item that best suits their needs.


Heart of Trade


The Marketplace is considered the central hub of trade in the Quinfall universe. Players can discover and purchase a variety of different items here.


Boosting Trade


The Marketplace stimulates the economy among players, accelerating trade by providing an ideal space to find and sell items.


Economic Interaction


The Marketplace supports economic interaction among players. Observing the balance of supply and demand allows players to enhance their trading strategies.


Quinfall's Marketplace contributes to a robust economy while enriching players' adventures by offering a wide range of items.